This app uses Indy IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge from Indy 9
which is included in Delphi 7 Enterprise Edition
to create a standalone SOAP Web Service application
(i.e., No web server such as Apache or IIS necessary.)
Copy the two files:
from the Delphi7\Source\Indy directory into your local project directory.
Do a File --> New --> Other,
Select the WebServices tab.
Then select the SOAP Server Application icon, and then click on OK.
From the New SOAP Server Application window,
Select the Web App Debugger executable radio button.
In the Class Name field enter:
From the Confirm window,
which asks Create Interface for SOAP Module?,
click on Yes.
From the Add New WebService window,
Enter Service Name:
(it will automatically fill in the Unit Identifier with the same value.)
Then click on OK.
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Project(n).exe folder.
Highlight the MySOAPWebServiceImpl.pas entry and press the [Delete] key.
In the Confirm window, which asks Remove MySOAPWebServiceImpl.pas?,
click on Yes.
In the next Confirm window,
which asks Save changes to MySOAPWebServiceImpl.pas?,
click on No. (the Impl.pas is not needed.)
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Unit1 folder.
Double-click on the Unit1.pas entry.
Remove the initialization section as that code is not needed:
initialization TWebAppSockObjectFactory.Create('Dummy');
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the Form1 entry.
Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
Change the Name property to
(from Form1).
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Unit2 folder.
Double-click on the WebModule2 entry.
Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
Change the Name property to
(from WebModule2).
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the Unit2.pas entry.
In the initialization section,
check for a nil before assigning a value to the
WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass property.
initialization if WebRequestHandler <> nil then WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass := TMyWebModule;
Do a File --> New --> Other,
Select the WebServices tab.
Then select the SOAP Server Data Module icon, and then click on OK.
In the Soap Data Module Wizard window,
enter Module Name: MyAppServerSoapDataModule
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Unit3 folder.
Double-click on the Unit3.pas entry.
Add MySOAPWebServiceIntf to the uses clause in the interface section.
uses SysUtils, Classes, InvokeRegistry, Midas, SOAPMidas, SOAPDm, MySOAPWebServiceIntf;
Add IMySOAPWebService as an ancestorClass in the the TMyAppServerSoapDM declaration.
TMyAppServerSoapDataModule = class(TSoapDataModule, IMyAppServerSoapDataModule, IAppServerSOAP, IAppServer, IMySOAPWebService)[Note that there is not a semicolon line terminater after this line.]
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the Unit1.pas entry.
Add IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge to the uses clause in the interface section.
uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;Add the private variable FWebBrokerBridge to the TForm1 declaration.
private FWebBrokerBridge: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;Add Unit2 to the uses clause in the implementation section.
uses SockApp, Unit2;
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the MySOAPServerForm entry.
Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
Select the Events tab.
Double-click on the OnCreate event.
Add the following code in the FormCreate procedure.
// Create server. FWebBrokerBridge := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self); // Register web module class. FWebBrokerBridge.RegisterWebModuleClass(TMyWebModule); // Set default port. FWebBrokerBridge.DefaultPort := 1024; // Start server. FWebBrokerBridge.Active := True;Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
// Stop server. FWebBrokerBridge.Active := False; // Free server component. FreeAndNil(FWebBrokerBridge);At this point you should be able to run the app, which will listen on port 1024 for SOAP requests.
You may test that it is working by opening the following in IE:
Internet Explorer (5.5 or higher?) is apparently the only browser
in which this will work.
Other browsers such as Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, etc,
will not display the XML document properly.
Next are the instructions for adding a SOAP operation (web service)
to the MySOAPServer SOAP web server app.
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the Unit3.pas entry.
Add the public function declaration for the webservice in the
declaration for TMyAppServerSoapDataModule (in the interface section.)
public function HelloWorld(Param1: string): string; stdcall;Add the public function definition for the webservice in the
{ TMyAppServerSoapDataModule } function TMyAppServerSoapDataModule.HelloWorld(Param1: string): string; stdcall; begin Result := 'Hello World. Your data: ' + Param1; end;Do a View --> Project Manager,
IMySOAPWebService = interface(IInvokable) ['{4BF42BCF-294B-4D28-93D8-8311FA8B190E}'] function HelloWorld(Param1: string): string; stdcall; end;And optionally, rename and save the files:
In the Save Unit2 As window,
Enter File Name:
In the Save MySOAPWebServiceIntf window,
Enter File Name:
In the Save Unit3 As window,
Enter File Name:
In the Save Project(n) As window,
Enter File Name:
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the MySOAPServerFormU folder,
Double-click on the MyFormU.pas entry.
Change the reference Unit2 to MyWebModuleU.
uses SockApp, MyWebModuleU;Do a File --> Save
Now you should be able to run the app again, which will listen on port 1024 for SOAP requests.
Make sure the MySOAPServer.exe created earlier is running before continuing.
Confirm by opening the following in IE:
Do a File --> New --> Application,
Drop a Button (from Standard Toolbar) onto the form.
Drop a Label (from Standard Toolbar) onto the form.
Drop an HTTPRIO (from the WebServices Toolbar) onto the form.
Arrange the Button1 and Label1 objects
(i.e., widen the label a bit and move the objects
so that the form looks pretty.)
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Project(n).exe folder.
Expand the Unit1 folder.
Double-click on the Form1 entry.
Press the [F11] key for the object Inspector.
Change the Name property to
(from Form1).
Do a File --> New --> Other,
Select the WebServices tab,
Select the WSDL Importer icon and click on OK.
In the WSDL Import Wizard window,
Enter the Location of WSDL File or URL:
Then click on Next and then click on Finish.
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the Unit1.pas entry.
Add IMySOAPWebService1 to the uses clause in the interface section.
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, IMySOAPWebService1;Do a View --> Project Manager,
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Double-click on the MySOAPClientForm entry.
Double-click on the Button1 object.
In the Button1Click procedure, enter:
begin Label1.Caption := (HTTPRIO1 as IMYSOAPWebService).HelloWorld('Worked!'); end;And optionally, rename and save the files:
In the Save IMySOAPWebService1 As window,
Enter File Name:
In the Save Project1 As window,
Enter File Name:
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the MySOAPClientForm folder,
Double-click on the MySOAPClientFormU.pas entry.
Change the reference IMySOAPWebService1 to MySOAPWebServiceClientIntf.
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, MySOAPWebServiceClientIntf, InvokeRegistry, Rio, SOAPHTTPClient, StdCtrls;
Do a File --> Save.
Now you should be able to run the application and click on Button1 which will consume the web service.
First create and build the MySOAPServer project as shown above because source files from that project will be needed for the MySOAPService project. Then you may continue on with the following instructions.
Do a File --> New --> Other,
Select the New tab.
Then select the Service Application icon,
and then click on OK.
From the Service1 window,
Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
Select the Properties tab.
Change the Name property to
(from Service1).
Do a Project --> Add To Project,
select the file MyWebModuleU.pas and click on OK.
Do a Project --> Add To Project,
select the file MySOAPWebServiceIntf.pas and click on OK.
Do a Project --> Add To Project,
select the file MyAppServerSoapDataModuleU.pas and click on OK.
Do a View --> Project Manager,
Expand the Project(n).exe folder.
Expand the Unit1 folder.
Double-click on the Unit1.pas entry.
Add IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge to the uses clause in the interface section.
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, SvcMgr, Dialogs, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;Add the private variable FWebBrokerBridge to the TService1 declaration.
private FWebBrokerBridge: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;Add MyWebModuleU to the uses clause in the implementation section.
{$R *.DFM} uses MyWebModuleU;Do a View --> Project Manager,
// Create server. FWebBrokerBridge := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self); // Register web module class. FWebBrokerBridge.RegisterWebModuleClass(TMyWebModule); // Set default port. FWebBrokerBridge.DefaultPort := 1024; // Start server. FWebBrokerBridge.Active := True;Press the [F11] key for the Object Inspector.
// Stop server. FWebBrokerBridge.Active := False; // Free server component. FreeAndNil(FWebBrokerBridge);Do a File --> Save Project As,
In the Save Project(n) As window,
Enter File Name:
Do a Project --> Build MySOAPService.
To Register the service
(i.e., to add the service to the Windows system registry)
Do a Run --> Parameters,
In the Parameters field, enter:
and then click on OK.
Do a Run --> Run.
(Should show an Information window stating Service installed successfully.)
Click on OK.
Do a Run --> Parameters,
Clear the Parameters field,
then click on OK.
Press the [Ctrl-Shift-S] key combination to Save All.
To start the service, open the service window.
If Windows NT 4,
Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Services
If Windows 2000,
Start --> Settings --> Control Panel -->
Administrative Tools --> Services
The MySOAPServer.exe created earlier uses the same
port as this NT service will,
so close MySOAPServer.exe if it is still running.
Then select MyService and press the Start Service button.
(The Start Service Button looks like the play button of an audio device.)
Reportedly there are problems with wininet.dll,
when your NT service is stressed.
You can improve this by specifying that the
Indy library is used for the SOAP server
I haven't run into the issue myself but am reposting what was initially found in a post in the borland.public.delphi.webservices.soap newsgroup by Martijn Houtman.
> (using a tip from Robert Maclean): > > 1- Add the following to the library path: > $(DELPHI)\Source\Soap > 2 - Open \Source\Soap\SoapHTTPTrans.pas, > and make a backup of it! > 3 - Line 13 should currently read: > //{$DEFINE USE_INDY} > 4 - Remove the comment symbols to make it read > {$DEFINE USE_INDY} > 5 - Rebuild your client side project > (clicking run won't work) > > This changes the behaviour of the SOAP client to > use Indy and not the standard Windows setup, > like it is done in Kylix. You can change it back > later when the bugs are solved.
Please send corrections, clarifications, improvements
or any other comments to